Joomla4 and phpMyAdmin

Before installing Joomla4 and phpMyAdmin, install the PHP 8.x modules from the list below

  1. bz2
  2. common
  3. curl
  4. cli
  5. dev
  6. fpm
  7. gd
  8. imap
  9. imagick
  10. intl
  11. mbstring
  12. mcrypt
  13. mysql
  14. opcache
  15. readline
  16. xml
  17. xsl
  18. zip
Install command

apt install -y php8.2-bz2 php8.2-common php8.2-curl php8.2-cli php8.2-dev php8.2-fpm php8.2-gd php8.2-imap php8.2-imagick php8.2-intl php8.2-mbstring php8.2-mcrypt php8.2-mysql php8.2-opcache php8.2-readline php8.2-xml php8.2-xsl php8.2-zip

Enable module command

a2enmod actions fcgid alias proxy_fcgi

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